8 Lessons I Learned from One of My Worst Dividend Growth Investments, A 5-Part Series. Lesson 8
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8 Lessons I Learned from One of My Worst Dividend Growth Investments, A 5-Part Series. Lesson 8

They say the hardest lessons in life are learned through experience. Well let’s just say a 38.6% loss in about a month is a lot of “experience”. On November 6, 2015, and December 1, 2015, I purchased shares of a stock that was yielding 8-9% and was guiding annual dividend growth of 6-10% for the next…

8 Lessons I Learned from One of My Worst Dividend Growth Investments, A 5-Part Series. Lessons 6 & 7
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8 Lessons I Learned from One of My Worst Dividend Growth Investments, A 5-Part Series. Lessons 6 & 7

They say the hardest lessons in life are learned through experience. Well let’s just say a 38.6% loss in about a month is a lot of “experience”. On November 6, 2015, and December 1, 2015, I purchased shares of a stock that was yielding 8-9% and was guiding annual dividend growth of 6-10% for the next…

8 Lessons I Learned from One of My Worst Dividend Growth Investments, A 5-Part Series. Lesson 5
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8 Lessons I Learned from One of My Worst Dividend Growth Investments, A 5-Part Series. Lesson 5

They say the hardest lessons in life are learned through experience. Well let’s just say a 38.6% loss in about a month is a lot of “experience”. On November 6, 2015, and December 1, 2015, I purchased shares of a stock that was yielding 8-9% and was guiding annual dividend growth of 6-10% for the next…

8 Lessons I Learned from One of My Worst Dividend Growth Investments, A 5-Part Series. Lessons 3 & 4
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8 Lessons I Learned from One of My Worst Dividend Growth Investments, A 5-Part Series. Lessons 3 & 4

They say the hardest lessons in life are learned through experience. Well let’s just say a 38.6% loss in about a month is a lot of “experience”. On November 6, 2015, and December 1, 2015, I purchased shares of a stock that was yielding 8-9% and was guiding annual dividend growth of 6-10% for the next…

8 Lessons I Learned from One of My Worst Dividend Growth Investments, A 5-Part Series. Lessons 1 & 2
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8 Lessons I Learned from One of My Worst Dividend Growth Investments, A 5-Part Series. Lessons 1 & 2

They say the hardest lessons in life are learned through experience. Well let’s just say a 38.6% loss in about a month is a lot of “experience”. On November 6, 2015, and December 1, 2015, I purchased shares of a stock that was yielding 8-9% and was guiding annual dividend growth of 6-10% for the…

Portfolio Update: Kinder Morgan Inc. Purchased & Sold

Portfolio Update: Kinder Morgan Inc. Purchased & Sold

One of the reasons I started this blog was to educate others and to improve my own investing. This is why I like to keep my readers up to date on my portfolio changes. For the most up to date portfolio changes follow my twitter account as I will usually tweet first and then follow-up with a blog post. By…

Investing Mistakes

Investing Mistakes

I read a very interesting article that got me thinking about investing mistakes. The article; 50 Unfortunate Truths About Investing by Morgan Housel, had some points that really hit home. One that stuck with me was: As Erik Falkenstein says: “In expert tennis, 80% of the points are won, while in amateur tennis, 80% are…