Why You Should Use Dividend Yield As A Valuation Tool Cover
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Why You Should Use Dividend Yield As A Valuation Tool For Stocks

“The concept of identifying undervalued and overvalued stock prices according to historic patterns of dividend yield can be applied to any stock with a reasonably long dividend history. However, investors who make the decision to include only high-quality, blue-chip stocks in their considerations will probably never regret it.” Source: Dividends Don’t Lie – Geraldine Weiss/Janet…

Overcome Dividend Yield Valuation Flaws and Find Reasonable Target Prices Fast
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Overcome Dividend Yield Valuation Flaws and Find Reasonable Target Prices Fast

Suncor Energy / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND Last week I went over how you can compare the current dividend yield to historical averages to see if a stock is undervalued. The idea being that if the dividend is sustainable and the current yield is higher than the 3, 5, and 10 year high yield averages…