14 Canadian Dividend Growth Companies with Consistently High Earnings Growth

14 Canadian Dividend Growth Companies with Consistently High Earnings Growth

I’m always on the lookout for dividend growth companies that have long growing dividend streaks, wide economic moats and strong financial strength. I plan to buy these companies at cheap valuations and utilize the growing dividend income to become financially independent. One characteristic of a good dividend growth company is the ability to pay increasing…

How To Combat Inflation With Dividend Growth And Protect Your Purchasing Power
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How To Combat Inflation With Dividend Growth And Protect Your Purchasing Power

As you know from my past few posts I’ve been reading Lowell Miller’s The Single Best Investment: Creating Wealth with Dividend Growth. One thing that surprised me a bit was his comments about inflation. The author pointed out that the 60 year average inflation rate in the United States is 4.1%. The book was written 8…

Canadian Dividend All-Star List Update: March 1, 2014 – New tab that includes the Canadian Banks!

Canadian Dividend All-Star List Update: March 1, 2014 – New tab that includes the Canadian Banks!

The Canadian Dividend All-Star List has been updated for the month, and I think you’ll like this update as I’ve added a whole bunch more information. The update I’m most excited about is the addition of the “Others” tab. In this tab I’ve added more dividend paying companies with a dividend streak of less than…

Updated Canadian Dividend All-Star List: January 1, 2014

Updated Canadian Dividend All-Star List: January 1, 2014

It’s a few days late, but I’ve updated the Canadian Dividend All-Star List for the month (or maybe I should say the year). You can download the latest version here. As you know the Canadian Dividend All-Star List is a list of Canadian companies that have increased their dividend for 5 or more years in…

A Year In Review: Portfolio Additions, Dividend Growth, and Target Buy Prices

A Year In Review: Portfolio Additions, Dividend Growth, and Target Buy Prices

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope everyone is having a good holiday. With the end of the year coming up, a lot of people spend time to reflect on the year. It’s taken a few years to develop my dividend growth strategy, so I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at…

Investing Mistakes

Investing Mistakes

I read a very interesting article that got me thinking about investing mistakes. The article; 50 Unfortunate Truths About Investing by Morgan Housel, had some points that really hit home. One that stuck with me was: As Erik Falkenstein says: “In expert tennis, 80% of the points are won, while in amateur tennis, 80% are…

I’m Back with Expansion Plans for the Canadian Dividend All-Star List

I’m Back with Expansion Plans for the Canadian Dividend All-Star List

Pavel P. / Foter.com / CC BY I’m back! If you’ve been following this blog, you will have noticed that I haven’t posted an entry since September! In September I came back to work after taking a year off to travel with my fiancé. My work has fairly strict conflict of interest rules and I…

An Introduction to the Great Canadian Banking Series (Part 1 of 10)
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An Introduction to the Great Canadian Banking Series (Part 1 of 10)

Lone Primate / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA In this series I’m going to take a look at the Canadian Banking Sector. If you talk to most Canadian dividend growth investors I think you will find that Canadian banks make up a significant portion of their portfolio. Canadian banks have reasonably high dividend yields, have performed…